When I first read this topic I just kind of laughed about it. In my life I've never heard of TV being spoken about like it was all anyone ever thought about and should be taken away forever. At least that's what I got from the quote. The writer may not think people think it's the center of the universe, but it must be pretty close.
When I was little TV was like a privelage. We learned it's more fun to play games or be outside than sitting inside all day in front of a TV. My brother and I never thought of the TV as the most important thing in our life, it was simply a fun thing to have in the house.
And think of all the shows that are teaching kids about things, like Sesame Street, or any of the new shows they have now like Dora. They are designed to help kids see things and hear things that they're going to be learning, it's just pushing it in farther in a fun way. I watched Sesame Street and Arthur, and Lamb Chop as a kid, I turned out just fine. I'm not a TV addict, there are just shows on that you want to watch for fun. As long as you teach kids there are more fun things out there everything is going to be fine. In my opinion the author was making TV sound a little more evil than it really is.
I agree that tv shows these days do help kids learn new things like Dora for example, but I also think that parents don't push the issue either. I always wanted to play outside when I was a kid, and just like you said tv was just something nice to have in the house. But some kids these days never want to go outside because they have tv inside.